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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


Hgiga OAKlouds - Command Injection

TVN ID TVN-202402002
CVE ID CVE-2024-26260
CVSS 9.8 (High)
Affected Products OAKlouds-organization-2.0 before version 188、OAKlouds-organization-3.0 before version 188、OAKlouds-webbase-3.0 before version 1051、OAKlouds-webbase-2.0 before 1051
Description The functionality for synchronization in HGiga OAKlouds' certain moudules has an OS Command Injection vulnerability, allowing remote attackers to inject system commands within specific request parameters. This enables the execution of arbitrary code on the remote server without permission.
Solution Update OAKlouds-organization-2.0 to 188 or later version
Update OAKlouds-organization-3.0 to 188 or later version
Update OAKlouds-webbase-2.0 to 1051 or later version
Update OAKlouds-webbase-3.0 to 1051 or later version
Credit Fi Liu (CHT Security)
Public Date 2024-02-15