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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


Intumit SmartRobot - Use of Hard-coded Cryptographic Key

TVN ID TVN-202403002
CVE ID CVE-2024-2413
CVSS 9.8 (Critical)
Affected Products SmartRobot v6.1.2-202212tw or earlier version
Description Intumit SmartRobot uses a fixed encryption key for authentication. Remote attackers can use this key to encrypt a string composed of the user's name and timestamp to generate an authentication code. With this authentication code, they can obtain administrator privileges and subsequently execute arbitrary code on the remote server using built-in system functionality.
Solution Update to v6.2.0-202303tw or later version or change current encryption key.
Credit Huding(DEVCORE)
Public Date 2024-03-15