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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center



  • Department:TWCERT/CC
  • Update:2020-03-25
  • Count Views:1107

Established by the CERTs of Australia, China, Japan, and Korea in February 2003, APCERT is the most influential cybersecurity incident management organization in the Asia Pacific. As of August 2010, APCERT has 18 full members from 15 economies and 7 general members. TWCERT/CC and TWNCERT are the full members from Taiwan to join the operation of APCERT.

APCERT has forged the Asia Pacific cyber security incident emergency response and collaborative mechanism, which enables stable and highly efficient information exchanges and cooperation among members to handle massive cyber security incidents. In addition, APCERT has annual plenary meeting to study the development of the cybersecurity emergency response and handling regime and newly-emerging Internet security skills, which plays an instructive role to all APCERT the members. Therefore, as APCERT has become the most efficient and rapidly developed regional cyber crisis management organization in the Asia Pacific after FIRST and TF-CSIRT, it has built up cooperative relationships with European academic and governmental CERTs and FIRST. Additionally, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has recognized APCERT’s importance, and APCERT has participated in the APEC meetings related to the Internet and information security. Nowadays, APCERT is an important power to address exacerbating Internet and information security threats in the Asia Pacific and promote global cooperation and development in the field of cyber crisis management.

The mission of APCERT is to establish and maintain a network among cybersecurity professionals based on mutual trust and to raise the awareness and capacity to address cybersecurity incidents.

The goals of APCERT are:

Strengthen international and regional cybersecurity cooperation in the Asia Pacific
Collaboratively establish and develop methods of handling massive and regional cybersecurity incidents
Promote discussions and information sharing about the Internet security, computer virus, and malicious codes
Increase collaborative researches and development among the APCERT members
Assist in all the organizations handling the Asia Pacific cybersecurity incidents to increase the efficiency of their cybersecurity emergency response mechanisms
Provide legal recommendations and assist in dealing with cross-regional information security and emergency incidents

The website of APCERT: APCERT
