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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


TWCERT/CC Assists in the IRCON 2016

  • Department:TWCERT/CC
  • Update:2019-04-08
  • Count Views:661
TWCERT CC Assists in the IRCON 2016

IRCON 2016 was a seminar for cyber security incident response and conducting skills. The seminar was held by TWCSIRT and assisted by TWCERT/CC, TWNCERT, and TM-CSIRT; the participants were from governmental institutions, the FIRST members in Taiwan, ISP service providers and SOCs.

To build up international connections and broaden perspectives, the seminar invited CERT/CC and CSIRT while simultaneously linked the Cloud Security Alliance Taiwan- Taiwan Summit (July 12-13, 2016) and HoneyCon 2016 (July 11-13).
