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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


TWCERT/CC Assists in the Dungeons of Hackers (TDOH) Conference 2017

  • Department:TWCERT/CC
  • Update:2019-04-08
  • Count Views:941
TWCERT CC Assists in the Dungeons of Hackers (TDOH) Conference 2017

The Dungeons of Hackers (TDOH) Conference is the first student-oriented cyber security technical conference. Over 400 students are estimated to participate in the conference. Different from the past conferences, this year the conference provides students more opportunities for students while adopts an open framework to facilitate more interactions among the lecturers, manufacturers, and students. Moreover, beverages and desserts are offered during the conference to provide a relaxing and flexible atmosphere.

As the cornerstone of cyber security development for Taiwanese students, the conference is dedicated to promote the interactions between students and enterprises to break the status quo, “students never heard any enterprises, while enterprises cannot find out the talents they need.” The participating students were passionate to cyber security issues; moreover, some self-motivating students could even help solving problems happen in the industry-university cooperative research projects meanwhile discover talents suitable for enterprises.

For start-ups, in the conference they can find their team members from the participating students full of passion and creativity as well as outstanding skilled engineers, who will undoubtedly be of great help while working together. “Grounded from the students”is also the most preliminary intention of TDOH.

In addition to assist in TDOH, TWCERT/CC also briefed its business and made cyber security promotions.
