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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


TWCERT/CC Participates in HITCON Pacific 2017

  • Department:TWCERT/CC
  • Update:2019-04-08
  • Count Views:660
TWCERT CC Participates in HITCON Pacific 2017

As the “HITCON CMT Mission: Regain the Initiative”kicked out the HITCON Pacific, it is obvious that cyber threats are becoming part of people’s daily lives, and both the methods and scales of cyberattacks are increasing.  From water, electricity, transportation, manufacturing systems, critical infrastructure, banks, to the IoT facilities connecting to the Internet, they are more and more possible to suffer from cyberattacks.

Cyber security is no longer the virtual reality show; people in the world are at the scene. In 2016 many international cyber security experts were invited to visit Taiwan to discuss the strategies and development of Taiwan’s cyber security. The theme of HITCON Pacific 2017 is “Cyber Force Awakens”. We will advocate the government, enterprises, and the civil society to take the initiatives of digital properties and establish the power of the Internet as well as the ecosystem of cyber security industry. We also invite experts from Taiwan and abroad to explore the threats and defense of “digital homeland” from the perspectives of cyber security technologies, policies, and regulations. The experts will bring us the latest international cyber security perspectives and countermeasures.

In addition to the high-profile lecturers in the field of cyber security, the conference also contains the on-site final of international CTF competition. We expect your participation to enlighten Taiwan’s soft and hard power of cyber security with international CTF players.

TWCERT/CC also participates in this conference.
