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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


TWCERT/CC Holds the 2018 Conference of Taiwan Cyber Security Notification and Response

  • Department:TWCERT/CC
  • Update:2020-03-25
  • Count Views:6235
TWCERT CC Holds the 2018 Conference of Taiwan Cyber Security Notification and Response

On October 3, 2018, TWCERT/CC held the 2018 Conference of Taiwan Cyber Security Notification and Response with the theme “Inevitable Cybersecurity Managerial Responsibilities for Enterprises” in the GIS NTU Convention Center. The number of participants this year has reached to 450 around, which is not only an increase by more than 100 people than that of last year but also the peak since the establishment of TWCERT/CC. Such an amazing record implies that more and more people are paying attention to cybersecurity, and TWCERT/CC has gained an increasing popularity.

TWCERT/CC deeply appreciates the participation and support from the distinguished guests, lecturers, media, personal and business participants, working staff, and especially, the co-organizer of the Conference, Information Security Magazine.

The Conference was divided in 11 sessions. 2 keynote speeches and a forum were held in the morning; the afternoon sessions were separated into the sub-themes “e-commerce cybersecurity” and “cybersecurity incident handling strategies”. During the break time, there were 9 cybersecurity companies and communities shared their cybersecurity defensive strategies and ideas of cybersecurity governance. Around the main conference hall there were the booths set up by 15 cybersecurity companies, communities, and units to facilitate matches between the personal and business participants; collect stamps to redeem freebies and lucky draw were also held as the side programs.

The main goals of the Conference are to increase the participants’ understandings about the measures of cybersecurity defense and management, how to establish a computer security incident response team (CSIRT) on one’s own, the importance and benefit of cybersecurity incident notifications, and how to comply the Cybersecurity Management Law. Nowadays in the Internet era, the importance of cybersecurity issues is increasing. On facing tremendous cyberthreats and challenges, necessary cybersecurity protections in compliance with comprehensive cybersecurity policies and standard operating procedures for cybersecurity incident notifications should be taken into the considerations of business administration. The chairperson of National Communications Commission (NCC), Ms. Nicole Chan, said: “As serious cybersecurity incidents happen more and more frequently, we should strengthen and improve our countermeasures of cybersecurity defense and cybersecurity emergency response systems. To address ever-changing cyberthreats, a national collective cybersecurity defense mechanism should be established, and our country’s cybersecurity defense capability should be improved comprehensively.”

The deputy director of Department of Cybersecurity, Executive Yuan, Ms. Chia-Lin Hsu, also gave a lecture to instruct the implementation of the Cyber Security Management Act and its six sub-laws. Her speech included the duties of public institutions, critical infrastructure providers, public enterprises, and state-sponsored foundations to give a comprehensive legal basis to facilitate the cybersecurity incident notification thus to promote national cybersecurity protection and related works hence to ensure national security and public welfare.

In addition, Mr. Adli Wahid, the APNIC senior cybersecurity expert, also gave a keynote speech to share his experiences in APNIC and FIRST to assist countries to establish their computer emergency response teams (CERTs). He especially underscored that mutual trust is the basis of intelligence sharing between and among the organizations, and the common goal of collaborative cyber defense actions should be to establish a stable and safe Internet environment.

After Adli’s keynote speech, a forum was held on the topic of “the Countermeasures of Cyberthreats in the New Internet Era”. The forum was hosted by the deputy director of the Department of Cybersecurity, Ms. Chia-Lin Hsu, and the panelists were the senior Internet Security specialist of APNIC, Mr. Adli Wahid, the director of TWCERT/CC, Dr. Yeong-Jia Chen, the chief secretary of the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Mr. Kuo-Liang Chen, and the co-founder of CyCarrier, Mr. Benson Wu.

Through the Conference, TWCERT/CC expects to raise the participants’ cybersecurity awareness and use what they have learned to their workplaces thus to improve the cybersecurity protection systems and cybersecurity policies of their companies.

In the future, TWCERT/CC will make self-improvement through the feedbacks from participants this year. Thank you!

To download the slides of the 2018 Conference of Taiwan Cyber Security Notification and Response: Public Documents.rar

The slides of the Lightning Talks: LightingTalkPublicDocument.rar
