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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


TWCERT/CC Participates in 2018 IT Month

  • Department:TWCERT/CC
  • Update:2019-04-08
  • Count Views:8336
TWCERT CC Participates in 2018 IT Month

Since 1980, every year the Taipei Computer Association holds the "IT Month", which is the largest exhibition of consumer electronics in Taiwan and attracts hundreds of thousand of people to join at free cost. 

This year, the IT Month was held from November 28 to December 3. TWCERT/CC also joined this important event of cybersecurity education for the first time. In the name of "Good Habits to Kick Out Cyber Threats", TWCERT/CC promoted its services and educated people how to conduct cybersecurity incident notices as well as the common cyberattacks hidden in e-commerce, e-mail, and public wi-fi and their related preventive measures.

A claw machine and cybersecurity clips were set up at the booth to attract more TWCERT/CC e-newsletter subscribers. Therefore, more than 1,000 visitors visited TWCERT/CC's booth during the five days, and around 800 people subscribed TWCERT/CC e-newsletter. 
