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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


TWCERT/CC Vulnerability Disclosure and Coordination Policy

  • Department:TWCERT/CC
  • Update:2020-05-08
  • Count Views:8689

Current Version: V1.5

Since 2018, TWCERT/CC is a member with the CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) status of the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®) program  maintained by The MITRE Corporation. Moreover, TWCERT/CC has developed the Taiwan Vulnerability Note (TVN) platform to facilitate the disclosure of vulnerabilities and further patchings and mitigations hence to prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities.

All the aforementioned duties and efforts are to help enterprises to deal with the reported vulnerabilities in their products therefore to protect and promote Taiwan's cyber security with emphases on safety, convenience, and efficiency hence to develop a secure Internet environment. 

More information about CVE program can be found on their official website: CVE
