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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


HGiga OAKlouds - Command Injection-2

TVN ID TVN-202108010
CVE ID CVE-2021-37913
CVSS 9.8 (Critical)
Affected Products OAKSv2 OAKlouds-network 2.0 <= OAKlouds-network-2.0-2
OAKSv3 OAKlouds-network 3.0 <= OAKlouds-network-3.0-2
Description The HGiga OAKlouds mobile portal does not filter special characters of the IPv6 Gateway parameter of the network interface card setting page. Remote attackers can use this vulnerability to perform command injection and execute arbitrary commands in the system without logging in.
Solution OAKSv2 OAKlouds-network 2.0 >= OAKlouds-network-2.0-3
OAKSv3 OAKlouds-network 3.0 >= OAKlouds-network-2.0-3
Credit Weber Tsai (CHT Security)
Public Date 2021-09-16