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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


NHI’s health insurance web service component – Heap-based Buffer Overflow

TVN ID TVN-202112007
CVE ID CVE-2021-45918
CVSS 7.5 (High)
Affected Products NHI’s health insurance web service component - MD5 HASH:
Windows: Setup.zip MD5:515BE7DE5BCE446177FEE8A6E0665093
Mac: NHI.Card.Mac.pkg.zip MD5: 42fcc36541e716e23de77d5f325b186a
Linux(Ubuntu): mLNHIICC_Setup.Ubuntu.zip MD5: 52EACB7CA2B4D0A5A869DF01079BF4D6
Linux(Fedora): mLNHIICC_Setup.fedora.zip MD5: 52EACB7CA2B4D0A5A869DF01079BF4D6
Description NHI’s health insurance web service component has insufficient validation for input string length, which can result in heap-based buffer overflow attack. A remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability to flood the memory space reserved for the program, in order to terminate service without authentication, which requires a system restart to recover service.
Solution Download last version
Credit Yu-Hsiang Lin
Public Date 2022-06-20