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TWCERT/CC Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center


TVN List

TVN-202210018 Ragic, Inc. Ragic - Reflected XSS CVE-2022-40739
TVN-202210009 SOFTNEXT TECHNOLOGIES CORP. Mail SQR Expert - Local File Inclusion CVE-2022-40742
TVN-202210008 SOFTNEXT TECHNOLOGIES CORP. Mail SQR Expert - Command Injection CVE-2022-40741
TVN-202210007 e-Excellence Inc. U-Office Force - Stored XSS -2 CVE-2022-39027
TVN-202210006 e-Excellence Inc. U-Office Force - Stored XSS -1 CVE-2022-39026
TVN-202210004 e-Excellence Inc. U-Office Force - Reflected XSS -1 CVE-2022-39024
TVN-202210005 e-Excellence Inc. U-Office Force - Reflected XSS -2 CVE-2022-39025
TVN-202210003 e-Excellence Inc. U-Office Force - Path Traversal -2 CVE-2022-39023
TVN-202210002 e-Excellence Inc. U-Office Force - Path Traversal -1 CVE-2022-39022
TVN-202210001 e-Excellence Inc. U-Office Force - Open Redirect CVE-2022-39021
TVN-202208002 Juiker app - Hard-coded Credentials CVE-2022-38117
TVN-202209014 Changing Information Technology Inc. RAVA certificate validation system - Path Traversal CVE-2022-39058
TVN-202209013 Changing Information Technology Inc. RAVA certificate validation system - Command Injection CVE-2022-39057
TVN-202209012 Changing Information Technology Inc. RAVA certificate validation system - SQL Injection CVE-2022-39056
TVN-202209011 Changing Information Technology Inc. RAVA certificate validation system - Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) CVE-2022-39055
TVN-202209008 Smart eVision - Stored XSS CVE-2022-39035
TVN-202209007 Smart eVision - Path Traversal -2 CVE-2022-39034
TVN-202209006 Smart eVision - Path Traversal -1 CVE-2022-39033
TVN-202209005 Smart eVision - Improper Privilege Management CVE-2022-39032
TVN-202209003 Smart eVision - Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor -2 CVE-2022-39030